Do you need help getting health care coverage? As a Washington State resident, you and your family may be eligible for free or low-cost health care. Through Apple Health (Medicaid), you have access to medical, dental, and vision care, as well as behavioral health services—including mental health and substance use treatment and prevention, recovery support, and housing and employment services.
Employee and retiree benefits
Are you a public employee, school employee, or retiree? Find everything you need to make informed decisions about and manage your PEBB or SEBB benefits. Explore and compare plans, see how much it costs, find out if you're eligible, and learn how to enroll. If you are leaving employment, find out what options are available for you through continuation coverage.
Billers, providers, and partners
Want to become an Apple Health (Medicaid) or behavioral health provider or partner? Need to revalidate? Find resources to help you manage your enrollment, provide treatment, request prior authorization (PA), and file claims, including forms, billing guides, fee schedules, medical policies, and training materials for ProviderOne.
About HCA
HCA is the largest purchaser of health care in the state. We lead the effort on transforming health care through programs and initiatives that range from the administration of Apple Health (Medicaid) and behavioral health activities to developing models for value-based purchasing and health technology assessments. We use data to inform our decisions and work in collaboration with local communities to ensure that Washington residents have access to better health and better care at a lower cost.
HCA Connections
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